Target audience: For all people over 10 years old.
Duration : 3 hours.
Dates: April 29, 2023, from 10 am to 1 pm.

Computational statistical analysis of data in spreadsheets is widely used both in the business world and in industry and research. There are several easy-to-learn tools to do it quickly and practically, such as Microsoft Excel, LibreOfffice Calc, ONLYOFFICE spreadsheet editor, and google sheets. In this workshop we will learn several of the fundamental concepts and techniques common to all of them in order to be successful in their use. For this, we will use ONLYOFFICE – with several advantages compared to the previous ones (see the technical sheet below).
Why this topic?
Statistical data analysis is very important both in professional and educational contexts.
The goals for this workshop are as follows:
- A brief introduction to using spreadsheets
- Introduction to basic statistics concepts
- Functions and formulas in the worksheet
- Creating charts on the spreadsheet
If you are curious to learn more “technical” terms and take a deeper look at the topics to be addressed in the workshop: